Allen & Unwin, 2003

Case 2 in the ‘Allie’s Ghost Hunters’ series
Available from
Allen & Unwin
iTunes audiobook
Other books in the ‘Allie’s Ghost Hunters’ series
Eglantine| Eloise | Elysium

The second ‘Allie’s Ghost Hunters’ adventure finds intrepid ghost hunter Allie Gebhardt and her friend Michelle on a school excursion to the haunted mining town of Hill End, where two
of her classmates mysteriously
disappear . . .

This title is also available in the Czech Republic (Mlada Fronta).

‘The story is well paced and uses the lively first-person voice of Alethea to give an entertaining commentary . . . ’
Reading Time

‘I won’t tell you anything else about this wonderful book except that I think you had better ask mum or dad, grandma or grandad to rush out and get you a copy because it’s really worth the read.’
Armidale Express

‘ . . . terrific and mysterious . . . I would rate this book a nine out of 10 because it kept me thoroughly interested right through until the end.’
The Townsville Bulletin